TheEnvironmental Protection Department of Hunan Province recently announced a listof enterprises, who are in compliance with the national environmentalregulation and environment friendly qualification in the Xiangjiang RiverBasin. SCC Changling Division isin the list of Competent Environment Friendly Enterprises in Hunan.
In June 2013, the Environmental ProtectionDepartment of Hunan Province carried out the credit evaluation on environmentalbehaviors against the enterprises in Hunan Province which have been listed inthe national key monitored enterprises for environmental protection. TheDepartment then published the evaluation results of the first batch of suchenterprises. After the announcement of the results, the provincial, municipaland county-level environmental protection departments have been tracking andmonitoring the environmental behaviors of such enterprises according to therelevant regulations. It meansthat SCC has obtained great progress in making efforts to be a responsibleenterprise.